HHeretic 0.2.4

Last updated: 31 December 2024

Hacked Heretic is a Linux port of Raven Game's old shooter, Heretic.

1. About

2. Download

3. Prereqs

4. Compiling

5. Playing the Game

6. Custom Music playback

7. Hints

8. Todo

9. Known Bugs / Issues

10. WAD file info

11. Short Changelog

12. Contact

1. About

This is a new release of Dan Olson's Hacked Heretic, by the authors of Hammer of Thyrion (Hexen II). We're applying fixes, adding a few features, and ensuring it runs on most *nix operating systems.

2. Download

3. Prereqs

You need a Heretic wad file. Both the retail and the shareware version work just fine. It is recommended, but not required, that you patch your wad file to the latest version, 1.2 for the shareware, 1.2 or 1.3 for the retail. See, at the end, for the md5sums and file sizes of different heretic wad files.

4. Compiling

You'll need SDL and SDL-devel packages installed, as well as the more common Gnu tools.

To compile the OpenGL version (hheretic-gl):


To compile the software version (hheretic-sdl):

        ./configure --disable-gl

The configure script accepts a new --with-audio=<driver> option. Valid values are oss, sdl, and sdlmixer. sdl is the default option. sdlmixer adds the ability of MIDI music playback, therefore, to compile with midi playback:

        ./configure --with-audio=sdlmixer

To compile the software version (hheretic-svga, for the old-fashioned :))

        ./configure --enable-svga

It's essential that you run make clean between different types of builds or different types of targets.

5. Playing the Game

Put the file heretic.wad (registered) or heretic1.wad (shareware) in the same directory where the hheretic binary is and simply run the binary, for example:


With the -h or --help option, you can see the basic command line switches.

The -file option can also be used to play any extra heretic wads that you may have. The option takes as many wad filename arguments as you give to it, at least one name, of course. Remember, though, that the -file option makes the engine to load extra wads: you always need heretic.wad as the base wad.

Currently, varying screen widths/resolutions are only supported in OpenGL mode. Use, for example,

        ./hheretic-gl -width 1024 -height 768

A partial list of supported options is available using the "--help" option.

6. Custom Music playback

Playback of external ogg, mp3 and midi files is available when hheretic is configured with the "--with-audio=sdlmixer" option. This is done by placing custom music files in $HOME/.hheretic/music .

A high quality OGG version of the original Heretic soundtrack is available for download from Sycraft.org : http://sycraft.org/content/audio/heretic.shtml. To install, download the normal or high quality archive and unzip it. Create the music directory:

	mkdir -p $HOME/.hheretic/music		(for most end users)
	mkdir -p <install_dir>/music		(if you prefer that way..)
	mkdir -p <shared_datapath>/music	(mostly for packagers)

Place the ogg files in that new "music" directory you just created; remember that the filenames must be lower-cased. Now, when the game is run, the new music files should automatically be used.

7. Hints

You can switch between windowed and fullscreen modes with the ALT-Enter key combination.

Double-clicking with Mouse2 or Mouse3 acts as the 'activate' (or 'use') key.

There is still no way to assign mouse buttons to actions in the control-setup menu; it needs some work. Currently, the mouse buttons can only be assigned to a few actions:

  mouseb_fire    (fire)
  mouseb_strafe  (strafe)
  mouseb_forward (move forward)

which is done by editing $HOME/.hheretic/heretic.cfg and changing these values. Button values are:

  left   mouse button = 0
  middle mouse button = 1
  right  mouse button = 2
  unused              =-1

So, to make the right button fire, change the mouseb_fire line in heretic.cfg, like so:

  mouseb_fire 2

8. Todo

9. Known Bugs / Issues:

10. WAD file info:

There are several versions of the heretic wad files:

Shareware 1.0:
  023b52175d2f260c3bdc5528df5d0a8c  heretic1.wad (5,120,300 bytes)

Shareware 1.2:
  ae779722390ec32fa37b0d361f7d82f8  heretic1.wad (5,120,920 bytes)

Registered 1.0 (3 episodes):
  3117e399cdb4298eaa3941625f4b2923  heretic.wad (11,096,488 bytes)

Registered 1.2 (3 episodes):
  1e4cb4ef075ad344dd63971637307e04  heretic.wad (11,095,516 bytes)

Retail 1.3 (Shadow of the Serpent Riders, extended, 5 episodes):
  66d686b1ed6d35ff103f15dbd30e0341  heretic.wad (14,189,976 bytes)

11. Short Changelog

Major changes in HHeretic-0.2 since Dan Olson's original HHeretic-0.1:

12. Contact

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